Where are my sounds coming from?


Today we discussed where the sounds, for my game, will come from.

It is important to be immersed into the narrative and sound for others to enjoy it too, “love yourself before others can love you too”

It is important to have a good ear to think of all the surrounding sounds, it is important to have a first script so when reading you can put into place where, voices, ambient sound and sound tracks. After this has been made a draft of a sound map need to be created to categories the sounds.

1.first script reading- immerse yourself into the narrative and let yourself hear the sounds around you

2.what to listen for- objects, action, environments, emotions and transitions

3.grouping the voices- find polarities between different types of voices there are and make a balance.

4. the sound map draft one- separate the script into sequences and list the sounds into categories –

concrete sounds (Diegetic)- action sounds

musical sounds-  for example a ticking to reflect urgency or slow mo sounds

voices-narrative and character voices

5. final sound map- final list of sounds after a process of selection and elimination and what feels right.

The script

During the script reading it is important to break down the senses and mentally listen out for environment sounds as well and music to convey emotions. while writing the script give clues to what kind of sounds there will be for example.

car screeches front the road beeping it horn.

character, object and actions

characters- the little boy and the dog. (protagonist and antagonist)

objects – the fence, the dogs chains, his shoes

actions- walking along the fence, the dog fighting at the restraints , barking, growling and the boy slipping.

Sound Map (cue sheet)

sounds in categories-

concrete sounds

musical sounds



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